Yahoo vs Gmail: Yahoo Must Die

I've been a Yahoo user since 2000, and a heavy user since late 2001.
I use Yahoo's E-Mail, Calendar, Address Book, even the Notepad all the time, and find them well-designed and reliable. There's only one thing that I don't like about Yahoo- the ads that appear on their sites. They're intrusive. They bother me. I simply will not look at a commercial for Viagra or Cialis or some other medical product every day as the price of "free" e-mail.
I am considering moving my e-mail activity to Google's Gmail service. Gmail is much less intrusive. They don't have ads with pictures, or popups. I like that.
I am not crazy about the Gmail format, but I could get used it.But two big problems remain. Gmail does not have a calendar. I need an calendar, and I want it integrated with my e-mail system.
Also, it appears to me that Gmail's contact information comes up way short. Yahoo has space for you to insert full contact information including postal address, phone numbers etc etc. But Gmail allows for name/e-mail address, and that's pretty much it.
I have to think this through. Maybe I can go to gmail for e-mails, and use yahoo for calendar and contacts until Gmail adds these features.
I have a personal domain name and a private " vanity " email address, and I have to learn how to link that to google.
I refuse to put up with Yahoo's advertising, so I think I must move, even if the solution is imperfect. It may be soon.
Yahoo must die.
I have just stumbled upon this site which may help me learn more about google and gmail.