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In the past year, I've had some fun running this blog, which deals with various political and other things, and a companion one, Bay Ridge Blog, which deals with Brooklyn's great Bay Ridge neighborhood.
I have a small but treasured group of readers on each site. I've liked running the two sites, but have often neglected both. Why? Because I work lots of hours, because I try to live my life, because I spend time reading on commenting on other people's blogs.
So, here's what I am going to do. I am going to leave this blog up, but will rarely or never post on it. I will focus my attention on Bay Ridge Blog. It will continue to be a Bay Ridge-centric blog, but I will include comments on the other things of interest. There will be no more or no less blather, so nothing is lost or gained by this change.
Happy July 4 to one and all. See you on Bay Ridge Blog.
Ádh Mór Ort!
Posted by El Matador | July 04, 2006 4:07 PM
Such a pity, now that I've found a new blog to read...
We'll see on the other blog, so!
Good luck!
Posted by Antonio from Italy | July 06, 2006 10:33 AM
You are both very welcome. Come over to Bay Ridge!!
Posted by The Phantom | July 07, 2006 2:04 AM