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Audioblogger is located here. I don't think that there is a European phone number, so you'd have to call San Francisco to use the service...probably cheaper options in Ireland / UK.
Is it possible for you to link the mp3 file in your RSS feed?
This way your podcast can be automatically downloaded and synched to an mp3 player using a standard podcatcher like juice (
Probably blogger has some simple way to do this but I don't use it myself so I don't know exactly how you'd do it. The technical term for it is an 'RSS enclosure'.
It may also work if you simply add a http link to the mp3 file in your blog post, but I'm only guessing there.
Where I cant get a thing?
Posted by
Anonymous |
February 12, 2006 11:50 AM
Audioblogger is located here. I don't think that there is a European phone number, so you'd have to call San Francisco to use the service...probably cheaper options in Ireland / UK.
Posted by
The Phantom |
February 12, 2006 3:04 PM
Is it possible for you to link the mp3 file in your RSS feed?
This way your podcast can be automatically downloaded and synched to an mp3 player using a standard podcatcher like juice (
Probably blogger has some simple way to do this but I don't use it myself so I don't know exactly how you'd do it. The technical term for it is an 'RSS enclosure'.
It may also work if you simply add a http link to the mp3 file in your blog post, but I'm only guessing there.
Posted by
Anonymous |
February 18, 2006 9:21 AM
--Is it possible for you to link the mp3 file in your RSS feed?--
Will look into this....but my technical expertise is not great, and I don't know how to do that.
Posted by
The Phantom |
February 19, 2006 11:53 AM